Saturday, April 5, 2008

...bEinG cHRistiaN

I don't know what happened but something came up to my mind and decided to start a new blog. I was just in bed with my laptop and I suddenly just got up and went to my altar, took the bible and brought it to my side and decided to open a page and read the content. I have opened the book of Nahum and read through the verses.

One of the verses which struck me most was Chapter 1 verse 7: "Yahweh is good for those who hope; in the day of trouble he shelters them. He remembers those who trust in him"

I can't say that I am a good Christian though I’m not a bad one also. I surely believe that there is someone out there who sees whatever we think and do. I do believe in God, whom we call Yahweh, Allah or Mohammad. I know everything happens for a reason. If we only hope and truly believe and trust in Him, no trouble will take place.

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